Sync Modes

Sync Modes for File Uploads

These settings are used to help establish change control standards. 

These can only be changed by a Project Admin using the Trimble Connect for Browser application.

Sync Mode Explanations

Enable automatic file checkout when uploading a file
When you sync the project this option allows you to download the file with read/write access. You can update the file locally and sync it to the server. While the sync is in progress, the files are checked out. When the sync is complete, the files are checked in. Other users can edit and update the file locally and also on the server.

Require file checkout before being able to upload files
When you sync the project this option allows you to download the file with read/write access. But you cannot update it on the server until you have not checked out the file. To update the file on the server you need to check out the file on the server and then update the file. After you finish working with the file, you can sync the file back to the server.

Require file checkout before being able to upload files, and set non-checked out files as read-only
When you sync the project this option allows you to download the file in read only mode. If you want to update the file first you need to check out the file then update the file locally and sync the project. It will update the file on the server. Other files that are not checked out will download in read only mode.

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