Schedule Details


The Sync Details tab allows you to:

  • Edit the name of the schedule

  • Choose the sync direction

  • Customize when the sync operation should take place

  • Choose the sync locations

Sync Direction

Sync Frequency (When)

Manual syncs will not happen automatically. You must trigger the sync operation manually by clicking the Sync button on the Projects Tab.

Sync operations can be set for every:

15 min, 30 min, 45 min, 1 hr, 2 hrs, 3 hrs, 6 hrs or 12 hrs

Schedule a sync operation to happen at the same time each day. The hour and minute can be set.

Schedule a sync operation to happen at the same time each week. The day, hour and minute can be set.

Project Location

Choose the local and server folder path that the sync operation should be done in. Changing the folder paths will allow you to sync particular folders that may differ from the main project folder.

To customize the sync folders

  1. Open Trimble Connect Sync.

  2. Navigate to the project whose schedule you want to edit.

  3. Click the Advanced button on the right of the project.

  4. Click the Edit icon to modify the schedule settings.

  5. Under the Project location, click Browse.

6. Select the local folder location that you want to use for sync operations.

7. Click Ok.

8. Click Change server path.

9. Navigate to the project folder you want to have your local folder synced to.

10. Click Set Sync Root.

11. Click Done.

Any future sync operations will only use the designated folders.