Do's & Dont's for Connect Sync
DO'S (Good Practices)
Very important to remember Connect Sync logic - Delete allowed on Local machine , Delete NOT allowed on server (except Local transfer).
Set up a mock sync hierarchy and pressure test (to avoid convoluted / mixed Sync schedules) . It will be good if the customers can check the TC Sync behavior (Files, Folders) and decide if it makes sense for their workflows.
As far as possible keep distinct source , destination folders for each sync schedule (as in IMAGE 01) .
If in a project , there are significant and rapid changes in folder hierarchies (move, remove) on server side, since the last sync, please delete the local PC synced folders (in case of Bidirectional , Download sync) . Otherwise the folder hierarchy on the local machine may get corrupted.
External cloud storage - transfer to local machine first :
If you want to sync files from third party document storage (3rd Party Cloud File Storage) , please transfer to local PC /hard disk and then sync with Trimble Connect server.
Separate folders for multiple Sync schedules on same project:
Sync from Connect server to mutually exclusive folders on local machine (or hard drive) if you want to set up multiple sync schedules. E.g. In Project1 , if you want to set up Bidirectional and Upload only sync simultaneously, please use C:/users/<userID>/Folder1 and C:/users/<userID>/Folder2 on local machine.
If there is an existing scheduled sync, and you want to change the local path, please re-select the folders in the Selective Sync to match the new path.
Avoid multiple schedules in subfolder hierarchy : Don’t have multiple sync schedules for same project under the same folder hierarchy (causes convoluted sync set up to the project data in TC server) . Examples of Don’ts -
[Bidirectional sync a folder C:/Users/<userID>/Folder A to server location Folder A (with selective sync of say 5 items inside folder A) ] AND [Bidirectional sync a folder C:/Users/<userID>/Folder A to server location Folder A (with selective sync of some other 5 items inside folder A) ] - most of the support cases are around this.
[Bidirectional sync from folder C:/Users/<userID>/Folder A to server location Folder A] AND [Local transfer / Up Sync for same Folder A from C:/Users/<userID>/Folder A]
[bidirectional sync a folder C:/Users/<userID>/Folder A to server location Folder A] AND [bidirectional sync a folder C:/Users/<userID>/Folder A to server location Folder B]
Please don’t frequently rename or move the folders on Connect server after the first couple of sync operations unless absolutely necessary. If Bidirectional sync has been set by multiple project members, it is likely to convolute or upload the older content to the server.
For Download only , Upload only sync directions , please don’t embed one project’s data into another project’s folder on the local machine (as in IMAGE 02)
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