Sync Settings
Parallel Upload & Download
The Parallel Upload & Download options allow you to choose how many simultaneous file upload and downloads will happen during a sync operation.
Choose the best setting based on your Internet connection speeds.
2 Upload, 2 Download: Recommended for low speed Internet.
4 Upload, 4 Download: Recommended for medium speed Internet.
8 Upload, 8 Download: Recommended for high speed Internet
Sync Preview
Choose if a preview of the sync should be shown before syncing a project.
Not sure what a sync preview is? See Sync Preview for more information.
Minimum Log Level
Logs are helpful for sending diagnostic reports in case of a bug or issue with the application. You can choose the type of logs that you want to be captured and stored.
Debug is used for internal system events and can be useful to determine how an issue may have happened.
Information events describe the things happening in the system that correspond to its responsibilities and functions.
Error events are logged when functionality is unavailable or expected behavior is broken.
Default Projects Folder Location
Connect Sync stores project data on users local machine at - C:\Users\<userID on PC>\Trimble Connect Sync\<UserID on Trimble Connect>\Projects
You can also select preferred default projects folder location on your local machine. This will avoid you having to go deep into the default folder location set in the application.
It is recommeded to create new schedule(s) in the project after the default folder location is changed. The change in folder location will not be reflected in existing project schedules
Folder locations specified within project sync settings will supercede (take precedence over) the global folder settings.
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